My Dad Is Addicted to World of Warcraft, HELP?
Question by sydneyanguyen: My dad is addicted to World of Warcraft, HELP?
Ok so I am in Middle school now, and my dad has been playing since I was in third grade. Ever since he started he has been distant from the family, playing 8 hours a day, and never doing anything for me. The only time he actually gets up is when my dad’s girlfriend asks him to, and only when we go eat. The day The Lich King came out, he played it non stop and called in sick for work, while he never takes the day off if it’s my birthday, or summer break, or i have the day off, or any other occasion. It’s like he doesn’t realize he has an actual life, but his life is in the game. I am sick and tired of it! Please help?
Best answer:
Answer by Prophet
Tell him about how you feel.
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