Mexican Cartel Queen Pleads Guilty in U.S. Drug Case

Mexican cartel queen pleads guilty in U.S. drug case

Filed under: drug rehab treatment methods

And she made headlines two years ago when Mexican authorities said they were investigating a tip that she had received Botox treatments in prison. This week Avila — one of the most well-known women accused of ties with Mexico's drug trade — pleaded …


Drugs or terror? We can't fight both in Afghanistan

Filed under: drug rehab treatment methods

In doing so, trade could be controlled and taxed; the Taliban would lose funding; farmers would not become enemies of the state; and addicts could receive proper treatment. The Afghan government, however, cannot risk alienating its most important …
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NFL Alumni To Test Potential Drug Treatment For Brain Injuries

Filed under: drug rehab treatment methods

It would involve a drug that's now in an early human trial for treating depression. In animal studies, the drug appeared to stimulate creation of brain cells. Concern has mounted about brain injuries and disease in former NFL players, driven in part by …
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