Make All Drugs Legal for the Sake of Saftey?

Question by JP: Make all drugs legal for the sake of saftey?
This may be too difficult of a sociologacal concept for some people, but just give it a try…..

Gang wars and prison overcrowding among other social downfalls can be attributed to drug activity.

We all know that prisons do not rehabilitate and send criminals back out into the streets often worse then they arrived.

Prison overcrowding and our lack of reintegrating them into society would dwindle if drugs were not illegal.

Furthermore, there would be nothing for gangs to fight over. After all, gang wars are about drug dealing territory. They could not have a business if drugs were legal!

The netherlands have little laws regarding drugs and they have one of the lowest drug abuse rates in the world. Most of the people in the “coffee shops” are Americans!!

What is your opinion? Would you support giving drug legalization a try to see if it curbs gang war activity, drug abuse rates, and prison overcrowding?
People can die the first time they drink alcohol as well.

You would be surprised at how many functioning “addicts” there are out there.

I don’t support drug abuse at all, I only support safer streets, prison reform, reduced gang activity and less of my tax dollars being spent on building supermax prisons!!

Best answer:

Answer by puckheaded
Love the question and have been saying it for years. The “War on drugs” is not working. It cost tax payers billions and creates all of the things you stated. We could tax the hell out of it, use the taxes for education, treatment programs, border security, you name it. It would create legal jobs for current gang bangers. There will always be something to sell on the black market, but not like there is now. We need reform for our nations survival. Good luck passing the word, most of the time it will fall on deaf ears.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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