Joan Borsten Testifies in Sacramento in Support of SB 1071


Joan Borsten Testifies in Sacramento in Support of SB 1071 – – Joan Borsten, CEO of Malibu Beach Recovery Center, testifies in support of funding for the CURES program, meant to help doctors and pharmacists determine whether patients are doctor shopping or pharmacy hopping, at the State Capitol Building in Sacramento.


Mayoral candidate Q and A: Rich Smith

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

Deteriorating neighborhoods, crime and drugs and the lack of communication and cooperation between the council, mayor and department heads. The past … State restrictions limit the amount of revenue governments can generate through the tax levy. How …
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Mass. Eye and Ear researcher among winners of competition for Audacious

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

Within a three-month period, 476 entries were submitted from people across the United States, including Puerto Rico. Topics ranged from regenerative medicine and stem cells to neuroscience, genetics, drug development, and artificial vision and prosthetics.
Read more on Phys.Org (press release)


Mayoral candidate Q and A: Bill Feehan

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

Rising crime related to drug abuse is making our city a scary place. High property taxes are driving people out of our city and hurting our tax base. Growing the tax base is vital to funding our city government. Why have so many properties gone …
Read more on La Crosse Tribune