Will the Pain of the Talking for Methadone Cold Turkey Ever End?

Question by Heather: Will the pain of the talking for methadone cold turkey ever end?
I I am on 7 day detox off methadone. I had .to go cold turkey because I moved from New York to Ohio. I’ve been on 150 milligrams for four years now and did not meet the transfer requirements for this clinic in Ohio. I had to move here because I lost my house during Hurricane sandy I had no other option but here. I have no help it’s horrible I do not suggest doing it cold turkey. but in the same breath I know it can be done cause I’m doing I have two children a.m. for the husband I can barely do I have to get a shower and a week and I can barely function but somehow I manage. my mom has been a support system for me my husband um had lung surgery so he had to stay behind I think getting into client we more right for out of state travel for natural disasters to help with the process. I didn’t have a choice I had to do it was no other option I took my last till April 22nd today table 29th hopefully today will be better than yesterday. I’m going through once and had diarrhea everyday but the pain in my back in my stomach is the worst. hindsight is always 20/20 I wish I never went on the methadone program but what can you do I had major surgery and lost my life about me that I had major surgery so I was on very high pain killers by the time I get home and didn’t have no more already too far into the opiate grip. I just wish I knew then what I know now and I would have never gotten a program or I would not want to live in 15 or grants for four years because a disaster like but I don’t have a choice so I got to keep on going to my kids especially they need a mother back.

Best answer:

Answer by Durable Med
Let’s consider putting methadone behind you. I’d like to tell you a story. Probably the best-kept secret in the narcotics rehab community. In the early 1980’s, the narcotics addicts were filling the New York jails, and if they were probated, they went right back to robbing, burglarizing, mugging, etc. to get their next fix. Well, a drug was approved, called Naltrexone. Trade name Revia. You could give the addict the Revia at the local community center as the term for their probation. They swallowed it down, and stayed in the room for a half hour. After that, free to go. Because even if they were to throw up, it would be sufficiently absorbed.

The Revia is an oral version of naloxone (Narcan), which ties up the body’s narcotic receptor sites. A person in respiratory depression from a narcotics O.D., with enough to kill a horse, could be up and chatty within minutes after an I.V. push of Narcan. So there was no point in taking any narcotics, the sites were not available. So the addicts were able to be probated. But, they HATED it. It made them feel terrible, without a way of getting better.

Anyway, a neurologist named Bihari was part of the naltrexone administration. He wanted to know why an addict would go right back to doing it, even though they ran the risk of “cold turkey” if they got caught. He hired a researcher, who found that addicts were only running a third of the endorphins of the ‘normal’ population, so the heroin etc. was a self medication.

Long story shorter, he found that if you give the addict a small portion of the naltrexone, at bed time, the body checks its supply around 2 in the morning, finds it at zero, and brings the endorphin level to as much as 5 times what it would have been. So the addicts were waking up WITH NO NEED FOR THE HEROIN.

The Naltrexone has been approved, in the 1980’s, as a rehab drug for narcotics and alcohol. And in Europe, they have what’s called the Sinclair Method, by which an alcoholic takes one a half hour before drinking. Within 3 months, they can function as a social drinker.

Think about that, and read the article at the first site I’ve given. And that a one-month prescription for Revia can be more than a year’s supply of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), since each 50 milligram Revia can be dissolved in 50 cc’s of distilled water, and then just 3 cc’s (for 3 milligrams) can be drawn up in a pediatric medicine dropper and taken in juice or whatever before bed time, and that single tablet can be sufficient for 16 doses of LDN. Should be easy to get a one-month prescription for Revia, to “try” it, as a recovered addict. Just don’t mention the LDN part.

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