Home Remidies for Herion Withdawl?

Question by fashionladyy8: home remidies for herion withdawl?
i am addicted to herion, i am only 20 and i have my whole life ahead of me . i feel like i want to kill myself . i cant even buy my mom a christmas present because my money is all wasted away. i want to get clean and i need some suggestions what would help the withdrawl symptoms . i cant do detox or suboxin no insurance and no money, does anyone have any home remidies for the withdrawl?

Best answer:

Answer by Supernovea
I’m sorry hon but I think you should check into a rehab clinic. They have a chemical (I think it is called methadone) that will minimize your symptoms. There is no way to make a simple home remedy that will do so much…unless you can stop cold turkey which is probably really hard for an addictive drug.

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