Why Isn’t There Much Information\ Awareness of Eating Disorders in the Philippines?

Question by [ cupcake ]: why isn’t there much information\ awareness of eating disorders in the Philippines?
I’m doing a report on eating disorders but there is like no info on the net about Philippines statistics. Does anyone know a site or explain why there isn’t much about it?

Best answer:

Answer by jd
Because if you are real skinny everyone thinks you don’t have enough rice.
No one would dream you are anorexic.

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America's First Hemp Crop Harvest In Almost 60 Years Begins In Colorado

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

Only 7 percent of Americans think the United States is <a href="http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/november_2012/7_think_u_s_is_winning_war_on_drugs">winning the war on drugs</a>, and few Americans are interested …
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Some express concern over Kevin Kortright's organization, office management

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He also pointed to non-prosecution programs he has started and/or expanded during his tenure, like one that addressed school student truancy and another on bad checks and the success of the county's felony drug treatment court. He has rapped Jordan's …
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Assumption Introduces Certificate in Substance Abuse Counseling

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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors is expected to grow 27% overall by 2020, and 44% in residential treatment facilities by 2020. "We are getting a lot of interest in the …
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VA Stops Releasing Data On Injured Vets As Total Reaches Grim Milestone

Filed under: drug treatment program statistics

In March, VA abruptly stopped releasing statistics on non-fatal war casualties to the public. However … And it isn't just a matter of acknowledging — or refusing to acknowledge — a shocking numerical milestone: It could also influence the treatment …
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